The only Connellsville swag I'm aware of is the "C'Ville Clap."
Never forget.
TayRaeJ #UniontownInANutshell 2/25/13 9:37 AM |
I was just at the Porter Theatre last eve for the Conn-Area musical dress rehearsal. The city has this BEAUTIFUL resource and sems to be dead set against capitalizing on it/ WHY O WHY????I haven't been to the Porter Theater in a while--at least 2-3 years ago for a production of The Nutcracker, where some male patrons were decked out in camo and bright-orange hunting caps--but it seriously is a pretty place with tons of potential. Get on it, Connellsville! And on that note, while the State Theater is gorgeous, Geibel should probably using Porter for its musicals. It just makes a lot more sense.
I could see such much going on there. Imagine the concerts! The Carnegie Library in Homestead has become a venue for a lot of bands of national note. WHY can't we do that with the Porter. Bring in PEOPLE. They need to EAT and DRINK. VoilĂ . An opportunity for new restaurants. I LOVE the eateries we have here. But I also want VARIETY! Just because new places open doesn't mean I would stop patronizing my faves. But perhaps I could eat more in town instead of going Utown, or Gburg, or THE BURGH when I want variety. And bring PEOPLE in and they might want to SHOP. VoilĂ again. MORE business opportunities!
Make the town more attractive instead of looking like the slums. Who could argue with that?! Well, apparently those in power! The city looks like CRAP! BETTER LOOKING city=PEOPLE choosing to live here=MORE BUSINESS=A city RISING LIKE THE PHOENIX from the ashes!!!
“After volunteering my time on the city's Parks and Recreation Board, I have been able to see the truths of what is occurring in our city and feel that we all deserve better. Change is needed in order for Connellsville to prosper, and I want to be part of that change,” Lincoln said.I think we can all agree. Connellsville gets ignored while Uniontown gets all the fancy things like Olive Garden. Hell, the city is literally falling apart, and someone needs to fix things somewhere.
“I feel like I would be a great mayor because I have a vision of what Connellsville can be, and I have the passion and energy to make that vision a reality,” said Lincoln.He'd focus on community service. Might be a good way to help the Geibel kids get their service hours. He also wants to see the parks thrive. Now, I haven't been in a Connellsville park in quite a long time and some have come quite a long way, but that progress needs maintained at the very least.
“The No. 1 issue addressing the city right now is its finances,” Lincoln said. “The City of Connellsville is in financial distress, and the citizens need to know what is occurring. The city had to take out a second loan of $650,000 in order to stay afloat and to help pay off the $450,000 loan from the prior year. They continue to take on additional financial burdens, not knowing how much they will collect in taxes, and I promise to never pass a budget that inflates revenue just to get it approved."
“ I would also work to promote our city outside of the local area to attract new businesses here. New business will increase our tax base ,which the city so desperately needs and provide additional employment opportunities for our citizens,” Lincoln said.
In case you haven't noticed, I only know one Footloose. |
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Instagram comment from HGB: "Enjoy those black market strawberries and contraband milk products" |
jktypist Snowman built in the bed of a pickup truck in Stewart Twp. 2/6/13 10:43 PM |