Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fine Dining: Fat Angelo's

I really need to explore local places more, but I'm a creature of habit. Until I get tired of Chinese food or don't feel like driving to pick up said Chinese food--both very rare occasions. But they do happen. That's how I got the family to order from Fat Angelo's the other night. That and pasta's the one food I never get tired of.

They have a lot, especially for a little place that's pretty much just take-out and delivery only. Pizzas, sandwiches, hoagies, salads, pastas, desserts, everything. And the pastas are baked with a pretty serious layer of cheese on top and come with breadsticks and a salad. And I like them more than Vinny's. They seem to be a tiny bit cheaper than Vinny's, too, but just as filling.

Their one catch? Delivery comes with a $2 fee and you have to have a minimum of a $10 order. I live close enough that we can convince someone to stop being lazy and drive down, but it's kind of annoying considering practically no one will deliver here.

All in all? Really good. And the staff is super nice. Even offered to carry the food out to the car for me.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Butch's Rainbow

I forgot to mention this ages ago, but it deserves a mention.

By the name, Butch's Rainbow sounds like a gay bar (probably only in certain circles, but whatever). Kind of like how gay bar Club 231 just sounds like a regular place, aside from the implications of dancing the word "club" carries. Most likely, it was just your typical Fayette County dive. On that note, can most bars here be considered dives, aside from basically Bud Murphy's? Moving on. My friends and I decided to find out.

The shocking verdict? Most likely not a gay bar. I say "most likely" because it was full of men, but they were watching a fishing show or something, were very quiet, and the whole experience was very awkward.

But now we all know.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another Published Book

The latest Nam book is all about it's long-lost racetracks and speedways.

Wait...what? We had those things?

Okay, so we had a speedway, but it only lasted six years: 1916-1922. But still, it's really cool. Unfortunately it's also another reminder of the booming, fun place Fayette County once was, but whatever.

The book is by Marci McGuinness, who has one other book about the Uniontown speedway already published. But it gets even cooler--she's also producing a movie based on it.

The HS article is full of other neat facts, too, like the fact that the builder of the lovely Titlow brought the first car to Uniontown and started the county's first automobile club. The film will be told from his perspective and will showcase the booming, wealthy place Uniontown once was. Kudos, McGuinness, but way to rub it in. Apparently, though, the end of the track contributed to the economic demise of the rest of this place since it had some pretty big financial backers and drew in huge crowds. You know we had to have some badass flappers hitting up the speedway pre-speakeasy night out.

McGuinness also now operates her own publishing company and is one of the area's most prominent writers. The upcoming book is her 26th in 30 years.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where's the Beef? Part 2: The Reckoning

For the record, I'm only doing posts (potential series?) on Fayette Patch Hunky because I feel that when a blog is posting questionable information, it needs addressed. Especially when I know things to be different than what they claim and can't count on my comments being published, and if they are, read by other readers. For more comprehensive disclaimer-y statements, check out the first post I did on this.

What I'm looking at this time two more attacks on The first is criticism at the new online subscriptions. The second is just...well, we'll get to it.

So, the online subscriptions thing. I thought about mentioning this myself but under a different context, but I since I knew I wanted to do another Patch Hunky post I figured I'd kill two deer with one shotgun (or car). Basically, if you sign up with an email address, you can read ten free articles per month, which really is probably not a bad deal unless you read every single thing and don't have a print subscription. And if you do have a print subscription, you get a discount, but really, who needs to pay for the same publication twice? But whatever.

If you're more of a news junkie, this does kinda suck, but so does being a newspaper in the age of the internet. They have to keep up somehow to stay in business, which is exactly what papers still are, even they do serve the community in various ways. They probably don't really stand to lose much on this, except a few cheap people, and the pay-for-online-content model isn't really new to newspapers.

Now, the second Patch Hunky point is all about schools being investigated for possible PSSA cheating. Reminds me of the nuns of Montessori walking around during the Iowa tests and making faces or disapproving sounds to let us know we'd gotten a question wrong. Anyway, Patch Hunky is complaining about some holes in HS's story, which is fair, but like I've said before, sometimes that's faulty reporting or even bad sources rather editors intentionally censoring information.

Patch Hunky is also calling for an investigation on the issue from the paper. A paper that probably doesn't have the manpower or resources to do a big investigative story, especially when it covers county-wide news.

This is all to be expected, though, and might even be fair criticisms. Until they allege that the paper ran a fake letter to the editor. Such an action is entirely possible, sure, but this is the first I've heard of it and a Google search turned up nothing more. So, we have a blog that's criticizing shoddy reporting and is making very serious allegations with zero support or even elaboration. Very nice.

The only editor's name that comes up throughout all of this? Mark O'Keefe, despite the fact that there are plenty of other editors over there. When I write for them, I don't report to O'Keefe. Not when I pitch ideas and not even when I submit articles, though there may be one or two exceptions to that in that three consecutive summers I spent writing for them. Patch Hunky's criticisms are getting to the point that I wonder if they were--or feel--somehow wrong by O'Keefe.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Shock Felt 'Round the Nam

So, who else felt the earthquake today? I was sitting on my loveseat, felt shaking, and then the apparently characteristic slight dizziness/disorientation that I attributed to the way the loveseat was shaking and not an earthquake. Until other people on Facebook mentioned it too.

Really, I'm going to let Facebook handle this post from here on.

Other notable statuses include people saying "deal with it." Okay, fine, we didn't really have injuries or damage, but this is the first time this has happened in 100 YEARS. This isn't the same thing as rain, or even Snowmageddon, which was ridiculous but handled pretty well by the Nam. This was an EARTHQUAKE. In PENNSYLVANIA. That shit is weird, no matter which way you spin it.

Mostly, though, we were trying to figure out why all our stuff was moving because let's be real, Fayette County, we didn't know what the hell was going on. My thoughts were: explosion at a gas well, robbers, or alien invasion. Apparently I'm not alone, because others assumed ghosts.

And no, God isn't displeased. This isn't a sign that we heathens need to change our ways or that it's the end of times. It's a sign of one thing and one thing only: SEISMIC WAVES.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sometimes, We're There When News Happens

You may have caught on the news Sunday a story about a bad motorcycle accident in Fayette County Saturday night. I was right down the road when it happened, at my cousin's house for an end-of-summer party.

The official story is that he lost control of his bike. And really, I know no more details than that. I do know how things unfolded, to an extent.

I don't remember hearing a bike leave the bar, but others do. With that location and a bar right there, noisy vehicles go through a lot and you kind of don't react. I do remember around 10 p.m. hearing the fire whistle, followed by loud sirens that obviously went right by us. About an hour later, a few of us left to drive a friend home, the opposite direction of the crash. As we were getting ready to leave, we heard a woman sobbing horribly in the Sherwood's parking lot, and I believe one of my cousins said he heard her say something about someone being killed in an accident up the road.

We got back around 11:30 and could see the lights from the emergency responders right up the road in front of us. A few guests were just walking back up from Sherwood's and told us what happened. A friend and I thought about walking over and asking the bartender what happened but decided against it, as there was a fair amount of chaos: lots of people going in and out and a bunch of cars left at the same time. That was the last we encountered until we found the news articles in the morning.

I can't say that he was leaving Sherwood's, but it certainly seems that way. We're usually over there on Saturdays for karaoke, so there's a chance we know who he is (we don't know anyone's names except the bartenders and owner). But I do have family that knew him and his family, and my condolences are with them all.

One small reminder, though: drive safely. Granted, any manner of things can go wrong, but still. Stay safe.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Vinny's Deal

Buy one deluxe stromboli and get another half off. What's not to love?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Calendar Party!

My boyfriend's sister's Facebook status has informed me that St. Mary's in Uniontown is bringing back it's Calendar Party. Sunday, Sept. 25 at 1:30 p.m. in the social hall. Tickets are $10 and they'll have food!

And since my boyfriend's family will be there hosting a Birthday Party table, I'll be there, right?

I haven't made a decision either way yet.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pretty Roses

My boyfriend doesn't read my blog and he's back in State College now anyway, otherwise I'd totally subtly request these (but only for a special occasion).


Further proof that Neubauer's has the best flowers in the Nam. They've made me and my brother's prom dates very happy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sometimes They Come Back

If there's one thing Geibel alumni is good at, it's going back to Geibel to teach. Also, insert joke about Catholic school girls here.

Okay, so maybe it's not that common, but it does happen. The beloved Mr. Stevenson was a Geibel grad, and so was priest Fr. Bob. I've had friends and acquaintances apply for openings there, and now a friend of mine is joining the ranks.

She'll only be there for nine weeks until Sra. McCrory comes back. Those of us from the 07 era know her better as Ms. Cole. Teachers getting married always confuses me. We also remember finding her MySpace that had "Laffy Taffy" on it and someone requesting it and dedicating it to her at prom. Lucky for temporary replacement Leah, MySpace is dead.

Congratulations and good luck to Leah! Here's to hoping Geibel treats her well.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Salem Crime Watch

I can't imagine New Salem has much crime. But maybe that's because of the neighborhood crime watch...

I only know three things about crime in New Salem: some assholes were once throwing rocks through windshields, residents think people drive on New Salem Road too fast (because they do, because growing up in Fayette County means you drive back roads LIKE A BOSS and God help anything in your way) , and that little PNC got robbed.

I'm sure we all want to keep New Salem a safe place, we just all don't live there. But if you do and you want to be its Batman, check out the neighborhood crime watch. It meets the third Monday of every month at 6 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church meeting room. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Also, New Salem residents, there's a Facebook group for you! And while you're over that way, like my Facebook page and spread the word.Link

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tales from Pechins

Fayette County doesn't believe in too much information (then again, neither do I--with exceptions).

One of my cashier sources had an interesting encounter with a customer who'd previously purchased a box of pads. They were sitting in her purse with their nice little paid sticker, minding their own business as she purchased other goods, when she decided to pull them out and show them to my source. Just to show she paid for them. Even though they were in her purse and not out or anything.

The box was also open.

Everyone knew what was coming next.

The rest is hazy, as my male source has supressed the albeit recent encounter, but the one thing he remembers is her saying, "I just needed these really badly" with the open box held right up to his face.

In the words of my source, "People at Pechins have no inhibitions at all."

Case in point: the story of the man who needed baby powder for his testicles, but that's another story for another day.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Nam Native Pens Musical

I've had a crazy couple of weeks and I'm bummed I'm missing out on this, but to the cast and crew of In Control premiering tonight in Greensburg, break a leg! Especially to writer David Mahokey, who I've known since elementary school in the hell that was Verna Montessori. We also went to Conn-Area and Geibel together.

The production is courtesy of Stage Right, an awesome community theater group that does some great stuff for you fans of the arts willing to truck it to Westmoreland County.

From the show's Facebook event page: "Pittsburgh-area twenty something Stephen Bloom is not having the best of times. His band is on the verge of breaking up, his friends are fighting and his long-time off-and-on girlfriend is on the off side. On top of that, his life-long battle with cancer may have taken a turn for the worse, causing him to experience more and more frequent hallucinations of his own (literally) personal demon. With time running out, friendships self-destructing, and the gig of a lifetime only a little while away, can Steve regain control of his life, or let his cancer control him?"

The subject is one familiar to Dave. He battled bone cancer years ago, back in middle school, if I remember right. I do know, thanks to the Trib, that his last chemo treatment was in October of 2004.

More interesting details:

  • There's a hospital ballet sequence according to Greg from Stage Right, who wrote the music with Dave.
  • The musical has 20 songs, all original (TribLive).
  • It stemmed from a one-man autobiographical piece Dave did in college and performed at parties. He and his co-writer are both college seniors, by the way, at Point Park and Seton Hill, respectively.

Check out the finale here.

The show's tonight and tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Greensburg Garden and Civic Center. Ten bucks, and you can get them at the door. Go cheer them on for me!

P.S. I've noticed a spike in my pageviews lately, so first of all thanks guys! Second, comment. Third, like the Facebook page.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

All About Buffy

  • Buffy lives next door to a friend of mine and has become the stuff of legend.
  • Buffy lives in a tiny trailer with her siblings and I think her mom and is in her 40s or something.
  • One said sibling goes by Lovey. I forget his real name and the nicknames of her other siblings.
  • We've heard many snippets of information about Buffy over the years, but the one that stands out the most is about when Buff chased said friend's sisters down the street with knives.
  • Said friend went to Buffy's house tonight. I am beyond jealous and am waiting for the stories to pour in.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Punk Priest

Religion's a touchy subject these days and Catholicism comes under a lot of criticism, and in my opinion rightfully so (which isn't to say some opponents are always right either--which brings the fact that this is all a touchy subject full circle). And how many of us have been bored by a dry, long-winded priests? What about a young priest who sings Green Day in his homilies? That's Fr. Bob, the self-proclaimed "Punk Priest" from Perryopolis.

He even has his own website. How cool is that? It tells you everything you need to know about him, including links to his blog and videos of his masses and homilies, which are typically filmed and posted on YouTube weekly.

For those of us who aren't great fans of the Catholic church, Fr. Bob is someone who can keep us interested and someone we can relate to. When he visited my middle school ages ago, we weren't afraid to open up to him and ask him all sorts of questions, and he was up-front and honest. In high school, he kept our attention during masses by singing, being loud, and walking around the gym where we had mass rather than standing still behind a podium. Plus he's a super nice guy and he's cool.

And according to my dad, the only foodie in this house greater than me, his church had the best fish dinners during Lent. Best of all? He was back there helping the little old ladies cook it.

Here's his latest homily. It's hard not to pay attention to him.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday's Vinny's Special

Just a reminder that Vinny's pizza in Uniontown has a different special every day. For Monday, it's Monday Madness: $5 large pizza, pick-up only. Enjoy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Scenes from Sherwood's

If someone sings "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash during karaoke, they'll set the bar on fire. AMAZING.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ohiopyle Volunteer Work

More from the Ohiopyle Facebook page: they have a "volunteer day" on Saturday, August 6. Those interested should meet at the park office at 9 am. Volunteers will be working on constructing a stage, trail work on Sugarloaf, and working on the native flower beds.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another Dog at Ohiopyle

From their Facebook:

There is a brown and white dog (possibly pit bull mix) that has been running around the park the past couple days. Staff has been unable to catch it. No collar or tags. If you know anyone with a dog matching this description please contact the park. If not, please use caution when driving Rt 381 as not to hit it.

In the meantime, please keep an eye on your pets, guys, and always use leashes, tags or microchipping. No one wants anything bad to happen to them or for them to go home with someone else. Don't dump pets either, because that's no good. Take them to a shelter or ask around to find a good home.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pizza Deal Today!

I'm assuming this applies to every Tuesday, but hey, what do I know?

Vinny's in Uniontown (the pizza place, not the drive-in ice cream) runs a special called Tasty Tuesday--two large two-topping pizzas and a free two-liter of pop all for about $20.

Order now by calling 724-438-2828.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sometimes We Start Magazines

It's common Nam knowledge that 50s rock icon Fabian lives here. He married his wife, Andrea, a prominent figure in the modeling world, at Nemacolin in 1998 and she designed their house. She recently started Gladys Magazine, which took off pretty quickly and already has national distribution.

They cover fashion, travel and inspirational stories. They even have Fayette County "secret treasures."

They wouldn't hire me, but whatever. Story of my life.

P.S.: If you're new here, like the Facebook page!