Saturday, June 9, 2012

Connellsville Happenings as Learned from Facebook

  • Some girl was outside at 7 AM singing. Loud.
  • There was some sort of verbal altercation last night, possibly at Lynn's, that the involved parties found entertaining. Except I don't know what was said. Look, you can't make fun of Connellsville crazies if you don't even tell us what made them crazy! And now I'm blogging about it, continuing the vicious cycle of a lack of information.
  • Mr. Orlando & Mrs. Hillen had their retirement party. They now join the ranks of such Geibel greats as John Riley, Jack Bluhm, and Bob Fedorko.
  • Mr. Bell wrote Mrs. Hillen a song. Some of it, as shared by her daughter:
Dodgeball, kickball, tennis, volleyball, ev'n col'ny ball too, 
It's time for gym class, you better have your clothes with you
If you don't, she will yell, and we'll be scared as hell
But if we buy her a sweet tea, all will be well!
  • Get ready for Fayette Idol 2012! July 27 at 7:15 at the fairgrounds.
  • Colebrook is now serving sundaes!
Don't feel left out, Uniontown. While I have no shenanigans of yours to report, I can direct you to this page full of events in the area. 

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